Withdrawal and leave of absence

When you discontinue your enrolment, you are withdrawing from any subjects you are enrolled in and you will cease to have an enrolment with La Trobe University. Before you discontinue your studies at La Trobe University or take a Leave of Absence, it is strongly recommended that you discuss the matter with your Course Coordinator, Academic Advisor (if you're a first-year student) or the International Student Advising team.

Leave of Absence (after commencement of course)

Leave of Absence is available to international student visa holders who have commenced their studies in Australia. It can be a whole semester or, if applied for after a semester begins, the remainder of a current semester. The University can only assess your application if there are compassionate and compelling circumstances - something that is beyond your control for which you can provide evidence, or if pre-requisite subjects are not available in the semester or study period a student is expected to enrol in.

Apply for Leave of Absence

To apply for a Leave of Absence, you must complete a Leave of Absence Application form, and include supporting documentation as well as provide a personal statement outlining your reasons for requesting a Leave of Absence. The International Operations & Compliance team will assess your application in the first instance and will communicate with you accordingly.

If your application is approved, your current Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be cancelled, and you will be issued a new CoE for the semester in which you intend to recommence your study.

Please note:

  • Discussion with a Lecturer or a Course Coordinator does not mean that you have officially notified the University of your intention to take a Leave of Absence.
  • No Leave of Absence will be approved if any fees are owed to the University.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure you meet the conditions of your visa. You can find all the information you need on the Department of Home Affairs website.
  • Initial enquiries involving possible Leave of Absence for research and higher degree students and your entitlements should be made directly to the Graduate Research School.
  • All applications for a Leave of Absence for research and higher degree students, need to be submitted via the GRS Candidature Forms, to be assessed by the International Operations & Compliance team, who will assess your application and subsequently communicate with you and the Graduate Research School accordingly.

Discontinuation of Enrolment (Course Withdrawal)

Discontinuation of Enrolment after commencement in your course, is also known as Course Withdrawal. It is important that you are certain of your decision, as after you withdraw from a course, you are no longer an enrolled student at La Trobe University.

It’s important that you are aware of your visa conditions. To comply with, and retain your visa, you must be studying a registered course in Australia.

If you decide to discontinue your course it's best to do it before any upcoming census date to avoid paying unexpected fees. Check the withdrawal dates that apply to you.

Before you request a Discontinuation of Enrolment, please check if you are currently release-restricted as this may impact your eligibility. For further release information, please see the below subheading.

Discussion with a Lecturer or Course Coordinator does not constitute official notification of an intention to discontinue studies.

You must complete the online Discontinuation of enrolment form. For more information, see the Withdrawing from your course FAQ.

Release and Changing your Institution

If you want to change universities within the first six calendar months of your principal course (per the date on your CoE) and you want to continue studying in Australia, you will need to apply for a Release from La Trobe University. If you have completed six calendar months in your principal course with La Trobe University, you do not need to apply for a release and can apply to discontinue your enrolment. Please note: a Leave of Absence (break from studies) is not counted towards the six calendar months calculation.

If you can demonstrate to the satisfaction of La Trobe University that the transfer to another provider is in your best interests, a Release may be granted. Examples include where the transfer represents a clear educational progression; where a student is experiencing demonstrable academic difficulties in their current course; or where the student's personal circumstances suggest that changing to an alternative course with another provider is in their best interests.

See also:

How to apply

It can take up to 10 working days to assess your application form. If you submit an incomplete application, you will be asked to submit all documents before we can assess your application. Please submit the following documents with your application:

  • Complete a Request for a Release Form
  • Provide a written personal statement explaining why you want to be released.
  • Provide an unconditional Letter of Offer from the University you wish to attend
  • Evidence of compassionate or compelling circumstances (if applicable).
  • If you are a sponsored student, you must provide written permission from your sponsor agreeing to the transfer.
  • If you are under 18 years of age you will need the written consent of your parent or guardian.

You must maintain a valid enrolment while your release application is being assessed. This includes re-enrolling in subsequent study periods. You are advised not to accept an offer at another institution, enrol or pay fees until La Trobe University has issued a release.

A release approval does not discontinue your enrolment at La Trobe University. Upon receipt of your release approval, it is your responsibility to complete the required documentation to discontinue your course if you wish to accept an offer at another institution.

Submit your release application to int.release@latrobe.edu.

Please note:

  • You are advised to maintain your enrolment and continue to attend all scheduled classes, until a decision is made on your application.
  • Do not complete the Discontinuation of Enrolment Form until after your release request is approved.
  • There is no fee charged for a Release.
  • If you hold a student visa and have not yet enrolled, you still require a Release during the first six months of your intended principal course before accepting an offer from another provider.
  • If you discontinue your studies before your results are released, you will not receive results for any completed assessments, so you might consider waiting until after you receive your results to change your university.
  • A release approval does not guarantee a refund of tuition fees. This is a separate process and La Trobe’s tuition fee refund policy should be considered prior to lodging your application.

Visa information

Once we have approved your discontinuation or issued a Release we will report to Immigration, now formally known as the Department of Home Affairs, that you are no longer studying at La Trobe University and your CoE will be cancelled. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Department of Home Affairs are aware of your new education provider and of the course you have chosen. You are strongly advised to report to the Department of Home Affairs office within 28 days of your cessation of studies at La Trobe University.

Commencing with a new education provider

If you are granted a Release, you will need to provide this written confirmation from La Trobe University to your new education provider. Once they have issued you with a new CoE you should provide that to the Department of Home Affairs. If your new course is in a different visa subclass to your course at La Trobe University you may be required to apply for a new student visa. More details about this can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website.