Important timetable dates

All Allocate+ opening times are from 10.30 am on the dates listed.

Preference mode closes at 9 am on the dates listed.

Preference Entry mode opens Tuesday 21 November, 2023
Preference Entry mode closes Tuesday 23 January, 2024

Allocation Adjustment mode opens

Wednesday 24 January, 2024

Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Wednesday 3 April, 2024

*Dates are subject to change

Preference Entry mode opens Tuesday 7 May, 2024
Preference Entry mode closes Tuesday 21 May, 2024

Allocation Adjustment mode opens

Wednesday 22 May, 2024

Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Monday 2 September, 2024

*Dates are subject to change

Please note there is no preference mode for subjects with these teaching periods

Teaching PeriodsActivityDate*

Term 1
Non-standard teaching periods commencing from Week 1 to Week 9 (e.g. Week 06-26)

Allocation Adjustment mode opens Tuesday 24 October, 2023
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes) Tuesday 23 January, 2024

Term 2

Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 24 January, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 19 March, 2024
Term 3Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 24 January, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 7 May, 2024
All Year
Non-standard teaching periods commencing from Week 10 to Week 30 (e.g. Week 25-32)
Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 24 January, 2024


Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 24 January, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 25 June, 2024
Term 4Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 22 May, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 13 August, 2024
Term 5Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 22 May, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 1 October, 2024
Term 6Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 22 May, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Tuesday 19 November, 2024
SummerAllocation Adjustment mode opensTuesday 3 September, 2024
Read only mode (Allocation Adjustment mode closes)Friday 20 December, 2024
Non-standard teaching periods commencing from Week 31 to Week 52 (e.g. Week 35-39)Allocation Adjustment mode opensWednesday 22 May, 2024

*Dates are subject to change

The timetable for a subject may change throughout the year.