Safer Community service

Safer Community is a free, confidential support service for La Trobe staff and students to report concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour including sexual harm, they may have experienced or witnessed at the University.

We provide expert advice and information. We also offer you options and referrals to help resolve your concerns to keep you and others safe.

Contact Safer Community

Contact Safer Community

Find out how to get in touch with us in person, by phone or email, and how to make a report online.

Reach Out

About Safer Community

About Safer Community

Read about our program, what we do, and how we can help.

Find out more

Safer Community resources

Safer Community resources

Check out our specially developed resources and information to help you and others who are experiencing concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour.

Check them out

Women's Safe Place

Women's Safe Place

We recognize that women experience suppression in all settings across their lifespan. Therefore, it is practically and symbolically important for women to have their own space where they are free

Drop Past Today

Safe Connections

Safe Connections

Through our partnership with WESNET, find out how we are helping connect people to life-changing supports.

Learn More

The Safe and Respected at La Trobe Campaign

The Safe and Respected at La Trobe Campaign

Find out about our campaign to raise awareness of sexual harm and the support we provide to help prevent further harm from occurring.