Library essentials for new students

Borrowing and using Library facilities

Your student ID card is your Library card. Use it to borrow and access Library services. Learn more about borrowing from the Library.

You can also use your student card to print and photocopy.

You can manage your loans and borrowed items using My Account. Your login details are your LTU username and password (tip: you don't need to include in your username).

Read more about Library facilities on our facilities webpage.

Learning and assessment help

We have lots of services and resources to improve your assessments and study experience.

Attend a class or workshop

We offer a huge range of classes and workshops covering topics like referencing, academic writing, finding information, understanding assessments and more. Check our events page for upcoming workshops.

Find items from your reading lists

For most subjects, textbooks and other readings are available for free online in the University Reading List system. Search by your subject name or code.

Find information for your assessments

We have a wide range of online databases you can use when researching and finding information for your assessments. Learn how to use our online databases.

Heard a lot about ChatGPT and other AI tools recently? Make sure you understand AI and how to work with it responsibly while completing your degree.

Try our Assessment Planner

The Assessment Planner creates a step-by-step timeline for your assessment, with personalised target deadlines to ensure you complete everything on time.

Check out Achieve@Uni

Our Achieve@Uni website has resources, writing samples and tips to support you in completing assessments and improving your skills.

Book a one-to-one consultation

We offer 45-minute consultations where you can ask questions and get advice on how to succeed in your assessments and study.

  • an Academic Skills Advisor for help with study skills, assessment planning and academic writing
  • a Librarian for help with referencing, finding information and identifying assessment/research questions.

Or drop-in to see:

  • a Peer Learning Advisor (PLA) for help with study and assessments (PLAs are experienced students trained to help other students)
  • an expert in maths, science and coding for general or specific help with those skills through our Discipline Hubs.

Help for international students

La Trobe University has a variety of different services to support our international students. We're here to help with advice, information and support. Check our International students study support webpage.

Ask us for help

Library staff are here to help you develop your skills and find the information you need. Contact the Library.