Visualise Your Thesis Competition

Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) challenges graduate researchers at any stage of their candidature to present their projects in a 60-second, eye-catching video. Using a pre-supplied template, you are tasked with developing a striking video presentation that succinctly describes your research, and its potential benefits, to a non-specialist audience.

VYT provides you with an opportunity to build and apply your information and digital literacy skills. By creating a “visual elevator pitch” you will develop crucial employability skills including effective communication, information and digital literacy and visual storytelling. You will also build your awareness of open access to information and copyright.

2024 Competition


The Visualise Your Thesis competition is open to currently-enrolled graduate researchers (i.e. students enrolled in M.Phil., Masters by Research, Ph.D. or Professional Doctorate programmes) at any stage of their candidature who are active and attending.

Competitors must agree to their entry being displayed on the University of Melbourne’s Visualise Your Thesis website (winning entry only) and on La Trobe University websites and media.


  • First prize: $1000 – Won by Deanna Tepper for Pawsitive Influence: Exploring the link between pet ownership and children's executive functions.
  • Second prize: $500 – Won by Tina Katsaros for Cause-and-effect in cells from people with ME/CFS.
  • Popular vote: $250 – Won by Tina Katsaros for Cause-and-effect in cells from people with ME/CFS.

Winners were announced at the 3MT event on 13 September 2024.

The winning entry (first place) will represent La Trobe University in the 2024 Visualise Your Thesis International Competition, which will be held online.

The rules

  • You must use the supplied template to create your presentation
  • No separate media files or links to online content (all media is embedded in the one file)
  • Your video must not exceed 60 seconds, except for the title and reference slides
  • Your video has an absolute maximum file size of 100MB (take this into account when including graphics and sound)
  • You must include references for any resources used to create your video
  • Media, including images, audio and video files, must comply with the competition’s copyright rules
  • Late submissions will not be accepted
  • The decision of the adjudicating panel is final

Entries closed on Friday 2 August 2024.

Popular vote

The popular vote is awarded based on the votes received from the public.

Voting has closed, but you can still watch the videos.

Watch the entries for 2024


Visualise your Thesis (VYT) Information Session
Watch recording.

Visualise your Thesis (VYT) Storytelling workshop
Tuesday 21 May, 2 pm
Watch recording.

Visualise your Thesis (VYT) Visual Design and Copyright workshop
Wednesday 12 June, 11 am
Watch recording.

Visualise your Thesis (VYT) Drop-in Session
Tuesday 2 July, 2 pm
Register now.

Judging criteria

Entries will be judged against the following criteria:




  • Does the video leave you with a better understanding of the topic?
  • Is the research communicated /presented in language appropriate for a non-specialist audience?
  • Is the video creative and engaging (e.g. visually striking and memorable)?


  • Is the significance of the research clearly explained?

More information

For more information, contact the Library Researcher Liaison team.