Stage 3 - academic progress

Stage 3 of the formal academic progression process is the Show Cause and Exclusion Stage. This is the final step in the formal academic progression process.

There are many ways you can reach Stage 3 of the formal academic progression process. If you have met one of more of the following conditions, you will enter Stage 3:

  • you have failed a workplace-based subject for the second time
  • you have failed 50% or more of the credit points for the subjects in which you were enrolled for the second time
  • you have failed the same subject in a course for the third time
  • you have exceeded the maximum completion date for your course
  • you have reached Stage 3 of the formal academic progression process for a second time in any course, and have previously had a restriction imposed as an outcome.

If you have reached Stage 3, we will email you. Your email will instruct you to complete a Show Cause Submission form which will provide you the opportunity to explain your circumstances and detail why you should not be excluded from the University. Exclusion from La Trobe University means you will be withdrawn from all courses you may be enrolled in and will not be able to study any course at La Trobe for nine (9) months.

While we understand this may be a very challenging time for you, it is important to remember that you still have support options available to you. This includes the opportunity to seek independent and confidential advice from a Student Advocate who can help you prepare your Show Cause Submission form.

For more information about the formal academic progression process, see the Academic Progress Review Policy.

How we support you at Stage 3

At Stage 3, you are required to provide a written submission outlining the reasons why you believe you should be allowed to continue and not be excluded from any currently enrolled courses.

Your written submission must be completed via a Show Cause Submission form. It is your opportunity to outline any circumstances that prevented you from making satisfactory progress in your studies. You should provide enough information to demonstrate that you will be successful continuing your course in future.

This submission must be completed within 10 business days from the date the email was sent or you will be excluded from your studies at La Trobe University.

While you prepare your submission, we encourage you to access the full range of supports available to you, including wellbeing and crisis support.

Completing your Show Cause Submission form

We want to ensure that you can successfully complete your submission, so we have prepared the below guide to assist you in completing your Show Cause Submission form.

  • Check the deadline to submit your form - make sure you allow enough time to complete the form. It can take between five (5) and fifty (50) minutes.
  • Consider if you might benefit from taking a break from your studies. We know that sometimes things happen in life that can impact your ability to be successful in your studies. If you think taking a break from study would be beneficial, please ensure to note this in your Show Cause Submission form.
  • If you want to continue your studies, think about specific strategies you can use to ensure you will be successful.
  • Consider if you would like help preparing your submission. Student Advocacy offers free and confidential support for all students and can help you prepare your Show Cause Submission form. Contact Advocacy if you would like support.

  1. Access the Show Cause Submission form by following the link supplied in the email you received.
  2. Read each question (and linked information) carefully before you begin. Links will open in a new tab.
  3. Answer the four questions under 'Your Academic Progress'. When answering these questions, consider:
    • Your previous academic performance in past study periods. Identify the contributing factors that led to your unsatisfactory academic performance and explain how each factor impacted your ability to complete your study (e.g. were the circumstances academic or personal, were you injured or ill, was there a family crisis or other difficulties, were there other work and life impacts, were there any other unexpected or exceptional circumstances etc.).
    • How these factors will impact your future study. If they will no longer impact you, explain how and provide evidence (e.g. the factors were temporary, the circumstances have changed, you have sought advice/assistance and professional help etc.). If there is still a potential impact to your studies, you should explain how these factors are now being managed and why they won’t have the same impact they previously had.
    • Changes or strategies you have already put in place to improve your academic performance. Describe specific steps you have taken to improve your chances of success in your study (e.g. reduced hours at work, reduced study load, changed study mode, organised family support, registered with AccessAbility for a Learning Access Plan etc.) and make sure to provide evidence for each one of them.
  4. Ensure you upload all your supporting documentation, even if you have previously supplied this information to the University.
  5. Tick all of the strategies and support services you have engaged with to improve your academic performance in the last 12 months under 'Strategy and Support Services'. You can tick as many as are applicable, so make sure you read the whole list and tick each service or strategy you have used.
  6. If there is information you would like to include that was not covered by the previous questions, make sure to include this in detail in the final question.
  7. Tick the declaration.
  8. Click 'Submit' to submit your form.

Please note: only forms submitted within the timeframe specified in your email will be accepted. If you start your form but do not submit it, or you submit it after the deadline to submit, it will not be considered.

You may exit your form at any time and return to it in 'Drafts' on the 'Forms' tile in StudentOnLine

  • Allow enough time to seek support from Advocacy
  • Write in complete sentences and include enough information for us to understand your circumstances. Your goal is to show that you have taken action to improve your academic performance and are committed to your studies. Make sure to provide clear examples.
  • Make sure you include supporting evidence. Evidence of the adverse circumstances that lead to your previous unsatisfactory performance must cover all the teaching periods where your performance was affected.
  • It is your responsibility to provide all documentation for your evidence. Evidence provided after the submission period ends will not be accepted.
  • If the reason for your unsatisfactory academic progress is medical, you may provide supporting documentation within the deadline. This may include special consideration applications (all details/evidence included as screenshots or other files), statutory declarations or medical certificates/health care plans that were valid during the time that your studies were impacted.
  • Reflect on your Academic Recovery Workshop (if you attended one), and any Action Plans and/or Agreed Progression Plans you may have completed.
  • If you have previously reached Stage 1 (Recovery) or Stage 2 (Support and Sanction), explain why the strategies you implemented were not successful in improving your progress, and tell us how you will rectify this in the future.
  • If the circumstances that impacted your academic progress were temporary and you have achieved academic success in the past, include that in your submission.
  • Be as specific as possible about the strategies you will use to ensure you are successful in your future studies. Evidence of new strategies should be clearly explained in your Show Cause Submission form.
  • If your assessment results have improved since you reached the Show Cause and Exclusion Stage of the formal academic progression process, provide evidence of this.
  • Don't forget to proofread. Make sure that your answers are clear and clearly reflect what you are trying to say.

What happens next?

After the timeframe to complete your Show Cause Submission form has passed, it will be considered, and you will receive an outcome email. The outcome email will detail the conditions we have decided are necessary for your continued success. This may include a credit point restriction or a Leave of Absence. In some cases, the decision may be made to exclude you from La Trobe University for a period of nine (9) months.

For more information about Stage 3 outcomes, view our FAQ Enrolment condition outcomes from academic progress Stage 3 and what this means for you


Advocates are employees of the La Trobe Student Union (LTSU). They can assist you with administrative issues, welfare and support in a confidential, safe setting.

Advocates can provide the following services:
  • helping students to understand their situation and discuss available options
  • helping students to understand University Policy and Procedures
  • helping students to prepare written submissions/letters

These services are provided at no cost to you. The Advocates are available to assist students from all campuses.

Many students may be seeking support from Advocates. You should allow reasonable and sufficient time for your enquiry to be addressed. The Advocates recommend that you register for their services as soon as you receive your email from the University regarding your academic progress.


After you have submitted a Show Cause Submission form, and it has been considered, you will receive an outcome email. Your outcome may include a condition on your enrolment or exclude you from your course. Your options for appeal or review will be outlined in your outcome email.

You must lodge your Student Appeal Application within 20 working days from the date you receive that email.

You may have grounds for appeal if you can demonstrate that the decision maker:

  • Was unfair or unjust,
  • didn't act in line with the Academic Progress Statute 2010,
  • failed to take account of a relevant consideration, or took account of an irrelevant consideration.

Support available to you

If you're facing challenges, see our table of all services that can help you.

Students enrolled in Partner programs

Students enrolled in partner programs through third-party institutions may contact their education partner for additional advice and support. Visit our Partner programs webpage for more information.

More information about the formal academic progression process

Your academic progress

Your academic progress

Academic progression is the way you and La Trobe work together to ensure you manage your studies and are able to successfully complete your course.

Find out more

Stage 1 - Recovery

Stage 1 - Recovery

This Stage is the Recovery Stage of the formal academic progression process.

Learn about your Stage 1 steps

Stage 2 - Support and Sanction

Stage 2 - Support and Sanction

This Stage is the Support and Sanction Stage of the formal academic progression process.

Learn about your Stage 2 steps