New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship

Ashley Eadon NCP Scholar in India

The New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship awards up to $87,000 to Australian undergraduate students for study and work experience opportunities across multiple locations in the Indo-Pacific region from 3 months up to 19 months. La Trobe University (LTU) nominates 15 students every year to be considered for this scholarship by the Australian Government.

The Learning Abroad team are no longer accepting expressions of interest for the NCP Scholarship 2025 round.  

Submit an expression of interest


To qualify you must:

  • be an Australian citizen aged between 18 and 30 years as of 1 January 2025
  • not undertake the Scholarship in a Host Location in which you have dual citizenship or residency rights; or in which you have previously been a citizen or permanent resident
  • be undertaking a Bachelor’s or Bachelor Honours Degree, at the commencement of the Scholarship Program
  • have a minimum WAM score of 70 per cent across all studies at La Trobe
  • be able to demonstrate community service and/or leadership experience.

Selection process

  • attend an information session
  • confirm your eligibility and familiarise yourself with the NCP Scholarship guidelines
  • submit an expression of interest before 17 June 2024
  • commit to the rigorous application process – including nomination, written component, La Trobe mock interview and virtual interview stages with DFAT in Canberra
  • apply for La Trobe University student exchange program to participate in 2025, either semester 1 or 2
  • obtain credit approval to go on exchange to an eligible host country
  • purchase and undergo a National Police Record Check
  • commit to participate in the scholarship program if successful.

Approximate timeline

  • NCP Scholarship info session - Watch now here Passcode: Q^AT00XF (start from 24 minute mark)
  • Expression of Interest submission deadline - June 17
  • La Trobe shortlisting applications - late June
  • Nominated and unsuccessful students notified - late June
  • NCP University nominations - 29 June - 25 July
  • NCP Student written applications - 26 July - 22 August
  • NCP Aus Gov applications shortlisted and applicants notified - September
  • La Trobe Mock interviews - mid September
  • NCP Virtual Interviews - September - October
  • NCP All applicants notified of outcome - November
  • Scholars announced - November / December
  • Scholars commence scholarship - January 1 2024 - 15 December 2024

Contact us

For further queries please contact us at

Current & Past NCP Scholars

Meet our current and former NCP Scholarship recipients:

  • 2024: Ahmed Baroudi, Charlotte Bradstreet, Harrison Rule, Jane Gration, Zaakirah Ali
  • 2023: Nathan Jasper, Kirsten Boehm, Quinn Forsyth, Ruby Barnard, Lily Reeves
  • 2022: Madeleine Gome and Yedidya Ephrem
  • 2021: Grace Thornbrough, Ebony Watts, Zi La, Hammad Shahin, Nathan Grigg
  • 2020: Samuel Chung
  • 2019: Stephanie Hilton, Ashley Eadon, Courtney Taylor and Jade Bujeya
  • 2018: Zoe Croucher and Emeil Boddenberg
  • 2017: Rebecca Thorburn (Singapore) and Sidney Mason (India)
  • 2015: Jake Schatz
  • 2014: Kara Menzies and Richard Garrett

Watch the video below detailing Richard, Kara and Jake's unique experiences as NCP Scholars: