Contact the Library

We're here to help. So, if you have a question or need assistance, reach out using one of the options described here.

You can contact the Library via chat, phone and email, or use the contact form.

For operating hours of real-time services (i.e. phone, chat and face-to-face), see Library opening hours.


With a Librarian

Librarians can help you with borrowing, finding and evaluating information, referencing and can support you through your learning journey.

With a Peer Learning Advisor

Peer Learning Advisors (PLAs) are experienced students trained to assist other students with understanding assessments and navigating university life.

Phone and email


For assistance with all general enquiries:

Document Delivery

For questions related to the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service:

If you need to contact a specific campus library (e.g. for questions related to their facilities), the following options are available.

Melbourne (City) Library

Sydney Library

David Mann Library (Albury-Wodonga)

This campus library is a shared facility with Wodonga Institute of TAFE.

Gambetta Library (Mildura)

This campus library is a shared facility with SuniTAFE.

For other campus libraries, please use the general Library phone number: (+61 3) 9479 2922.

Contact form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


La Trobe University respects the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information about you to help us provide the most relevant learning support. We will use only use the supplied information for this purpose. If your personal information is not provided to us, then we may not be able to contact you to set up an appointment, or may not assign your case to the most relevant expert advisor. You may have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, subject to any exemptions in relevant laws, by contacting us. Refer to the La Trobe University privacy policy for more details.

Campus library locations

The Borchardt Library at the Melbourne (Bundoora) campus delivers centralised services for all other campus libraries and holds the largest proportion of our physical collection.

Street address

Borchardt Library
La Trobe University
Plenty Road,
Victoria 3086

Postal address

Borchardt Library
La Trobe University
Victoria 3086