Research in the Department of Accounting, Data Analytics, Economics and Finance

The Department of Accounting, Data Analytics, Economics and Finance is recognised nationally and internationally for its research.

Our academic staff work with industry, government and the community on projects that transform business practice and drive social change.

Our research supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of good health and wellbeing, quality education, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, and climate action.

Our finance, economics and accounting researchers have been consistently rated at or above world standard in the Excellence in Research for Australia, while our business analytics researchers contribute to the ratings at or above world standard of other fields of research.

Our contribution aligns with La Trobe University’s research themes: Social change and equity, Healthy people, families and communities, Resilient environments and communities and Sustainable food and agriculture.

Our staff are also leaders in or members of the La Trobe Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and Food and the Care Economy Research Institute.

Find out more about how our partnerships enable transformative research.

Research areas

Our researchers engage with industry and other key stakeholders to deliver innovative solutions to a wide range of challenges facing business and society.

Our research is grouped into four key areas:

Our researchers examine a range of contemporary accounting issues including stringent regulatory reporting requirements, demand for Environmental, Social and Governance reporting by stakeholders, use of technologies, big data analytics, the COVID pandemic and globalisation of capital markets.

Our research contributes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Thirteen, of climate action.

Key research questions include:

  • Does the COVID pandemic have any impact on accounting practices?
  • How do stakeholders view Environmental, Social and Governance ratings?
  • Does big data have any influence on accounting and auditing practices?
  • Does globalisation of capital markets have any impact on accounting practices?
  • How will accounting for Scope 1 and 2 emissions influence business decisions and investor and stakeholder behaviour?

Our researchers help organisations incorporate data-driven and artificial intelligence powered business analytics technologies into all aspects of their business, from day-to-day operations to strategic decision making.

Our research contributes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Nine, of industry, innovation and infrastructure, Goal Three, good health and wellbeing, and Goal Thirteen, climate action.

Key research questions include:

  • How can cutting-edge theoretical and technological advancements in analytics and artificial intelligence be adopted by business for improved decision making, increased accountability, higher productivity, to make better predictions, to monitor performance and gain competitive advantage?
  • What practical strategies can businesses use to face big data challenges such as volume, velocity, variety and veracity?
  • How can theoretical innovations in artificial intelligence, natural language processing and business analytics be harnessed by organisations to reap the hidden value and insights from non-traditional data sources such as social media, large text corpus, multimedia and Internet of Things?
  • How can data analysis and visualisation enhance functional business activities and decision-making relating to marketing, logistics and supply chain management, inventory optimisation, accounting reporting and business data storage and management.
  • How can organisations overcome ethical challenges, lack of transparency and interpretability, discriminatory outcomes and bias when using artificial intelligence and analytics?

Our academics undertake applied economic research to build understanding of complex business, political and social issues. They contribute to policy debates and offer solutions for a diverse range of economic problems.

Our research contributes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Nine, of quality education, Goal Eight, decent work and economic growth, and Goal Ten, reduced inequalities.

Key research questions include:

  • How does socioeconomic disadvantage affect higher education participation and attainment?
  • What policy reforms are needed to ensure the financial system improves socioeconomic outcomes?
  • How does gender inequality impact workforce management, productivity and innovation?
  • How can we increase the supply and quality of global public goods such as refugee protection and nature preservation?
  • How can economic modelling and analysis inform renewable energy decision-making?

Our researchers examine finance issues faced by investors, businesses, regulatory agencies and governments. Drawing on our deep understanding of capital markets and the global business environment, we help market participants optimise their investment and financing decisions and maximise societal benefit and wealth creation.

Our research contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Nine, of industry, innovation and infrastructure, and Goal Thirteen, climate action.

Key research questions include:

  • How do businesses optimise their operating and financial decisions to achieve strategic goals in an uncertain and changing market environment?
  • How can the functioning and transparency of capital markets be enhanced?
  • What innovative financial products and solutions can be developed to address technological and organisational change?
  • How can businesses modify their investment and operational structure to address sustainability and climate challenges?
  • How can we improve financial education and wellbeing both locally and globally?

Graduate research

The Department of Accounting, Data Analytics, Economics and Finance is educating the next generation of accountants, business and financial analysts, policy advisers and researchers.

We offer Masters and PhD opportunities, where candidates learn under the direction of experts in their field. Higher Degree by Research candidates may also work with an industry partner from government organisations, private enterprise or the not-for-profit sector via our Industry PhD program.

Our graduate researchers are well supported by supervision teams, progress committees and a carefully tailored milestone program.

They enjoy a research culture that includes reading groups, accountability circles and skill-enhancing workshops, and our annual Higher Degree by Research Colloquium. Some also teach in our undergraduate and postgraduate programs, preparing them for a career in academia.

All graduate researchers are part of La Trobe’s Graduate Research School, which nurtures an engaged research community and upskills researchers through the Research Education and Development (RED) team. The RED team hold workshops on topics ranging from preparing literature reviews, through to data manipulation and visualisation. They also run initiatives including Shut Up and Write! and the University's 3-Minute Thesis competition.

Find out more about graduate research opportunities at La Trobe, or contact the School’s Director of Graduate Research, Associate Professor Jing Zhao.

Research Centre

The Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition plays a key role in our research success and impact.

The Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition specialises in the theoretical advancement of business analytics and artificial intelligence as well its practical contributions to organisations, the economy and society. The Centre has a proven track record of advancing new approaches to artificial intelligence, data visualisation and business automation.

Find out more about the Centre.