Student support
Superior support to ensure you succeed.
We have the personalised support services to ensure you have everything you need to succeed at university and beyond.
You can take advantage of free one-on-one academic support provided by peers and academic staff to all students. Book a peer tutoring session with a high-achieving student who has already completed your course and develop your understanding and confidence in the subject.
Our dedicated Academic Skills Advisor is an expert in helping students adapt to university and developing study skills and offers free workshops throughout each semester.
Please visit our Campus reception for more information about support services and to book your free session with one of our experts.
Academic Integrity Module (AIM)
If you are a commencing La Trobe student, you will need be enroled in the Academic Integrity Module, and you will be expected to complete it within your first semester of study as part of your course requirements. It will provide you with the tools you need to succeed at university.
It can be undertaken at any time and carries a pass or fail on your transcript.
The module will:
- Teach you La Trobe's values and its academic integrity standards
- Guide you through your responsibilities as a student
- Provide examples of correct academic conduct and how to avoid plagiarism and academic misconduct
- Show you where to find useful information and examples of referencing styles specific to your course
Wominjeka La Trobe: Indigenous Cultural Literacy for Higher Education
Providing an introduction to Indigenous Australian history, culture and customs, all commencing La Trobe students must complete Wominjeka La Trobe.
The module will:
- Discuss the importance of a rich and relevant cultural heritage education
- Make the link between Indigenous knowledge, values and the broader graduate capability of cultural literacy
- Begin to engage students in critical reflection about their own attitudes, values and beliefs
Academic workshops are held regularly throughout each semester, providing extra support to students in a variety of areas including:
- Accounting
- Mathematics
- Information technology
- Exam preparation
- Pronunciation language support
- Presentation skills.
Workshops are conducted by an Academic Skills Advisor and Student Mentors. Students will be notified of upcoming workshops via the student portal and noticeboards throughout our Campus.
Our Academic Skills Advisor provides academic support to students wanting to excel in their studies, or students experiencing difficulty with their studies and wanting the support to improve.
To make an appointment to see the Academic Skills Advisor, please visit our Campus reception.