School of Nursing and Midwifery partnerships
The School of Nursing and Midwifery partners with a range of Australian and international health organisations.
Together, we are creating educational programs that meet the needs of our communities. We are also working on collaborative research projects to improve patient health and wellbeing.
Australian partnerships
The School of Nursing and Midwifery partners with several Victorian health organisations for teaching and research.
We have a physical presence at all locations, allowing us to be embedded within health care settings and ensuring our education and research programs are contemporary and meet the needs of our communities. This also enables us to interact with health service staff on teaching and research issues.
Our key partners include:
In 2000, the School established its first clinical school at Alfred Health, where it continues to deliver a high quality student experience. Academics from the School collaborate with health service staff on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research projects. Located at the Alfred Centre, third-year teaching takes place on site at Alfred Health where expert clinicians work together with our academic staff to deliver the most contemporary evidence-based teaching content and practice skills. Clinical placements are conducted within Alfred Health to support the transition from student to workforce.
In 2005, our clinical school at the Austin Hospital was established. Academics from the School collaborate with health service staff on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research projects.
This collaboration provides us with a unique opportunity to jointly deliver the Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurse Pathway) at Chisholm’s Berwick and Frankston campuses. It provides an opportunity for people living in the South Eastern suburbs, along with Chisholm graduates, to undertake study to become a Registered Nurse.
Our partnership with Mercy Health is through a Professorial Unit, enabling research collaboration through a jointly appointed Professor of Nursing and Midwifery, and student teaching and learning opportunities.
This is one of our more recent clinical Schools, established in 2015. Academics from the School collaborate with health service staff on a range of teaching and research projects. Located at the Northern Centre for Health Education and Research on the premises of the Northern Hospital, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching takes place on-site at Northern Health. Expert clinicians work together with our academic staff to deliver the most contemporary evidence-based teaching content and practice skills. Clinical placements in nursing and midwifery are conducted within Northern Health to support the transition of professional entry into registered practice, and postgraduate learners into speciality practice.
Our partnership with The Women’s is through a Professorial Unit, enabling research collaborations through a jointly appointed Professor of Midwifery, and student teaching and learning opportunities.
This is one of our more recent clinical Schools. Academics from the School collaborate with staff from the health service on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research projects. Third-year teaching takes place on site at the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Parkville campus, where expert clinicians work together with our academic staff to deliver the most contemporary evidence-based teaching content and practice skills. Clinical placements are conducted within the Royal Melbourne Hospital to support the transition from student to workforce.
International partnerships
The School of Nursing and Midwifery is globally connected, partnering with several international institutions.
These partnerships support a range of academic, research, student mobility and collaborative online international learning (COIL) programs.
In particular, these international partnerships support academic collaboration, and global mobility of students and staff, including study abroad, short-term programs and student exchange. They also provide pathways for international students to study at La Trobe, as well as avenues for transnational education (third party teaching) programs.
Our key partners include:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Our partnership features academic, student and staff exchange and research collaboration. In 2020, a COIL program, in collaboration with Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Malmo University, Sweden, was developed for Bachelor of Nursing students across three universities.
Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
In early 2021, an articulation agreement was signed between the School and Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau. This articulation will allow Master of Nursing students from the Kiang Wu Nursing College to study Master of Nursing thesis subjects at La Trobe in the last year of their study.
Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore
Our partnership supports staff and student exchange opportunities.
National University of Singapore
This partnership supports staff and student exchange, as well as research collaborations.
Nurses Learning Hub and PSB Academy
From 2022, the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Nurses Learning Hub (Singapore Nurses Association) and PSB Academy are partnering to jointly offer the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration) to continue to ensure high quality learning experiences for students upgrading their nursing diploma qualifications to bachelor degrees.
Singapore Nurses Association
The School of Nursing and Midwifery has been delivering Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration) in Singapore for over 25 years. The course enables registered nurses with diploma qualifications to upgrade to a bachelor degree. Thousands of nurses have graduated from this program and many have taken on senior and influential roles as a direct result of their studies.
Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (UNISA), Indonesia
In 2019, we signed an agreement to work on academic and research collaborations. Staff from each university have undertaken visits to develop research activity.
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding in 2016, there are regular staff and student exchanges, successful research collaborations and publications.
Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
School staff are working in close collaboration on a variety of research projects and publications, as well as staff and student exchange, and teaching across organisations.
University of Hong Kong
Initiated in 2024, our partnership supports staff and student exchange opportunities.
Edinburgh University
Our partnership has developed a program of academic and student semester exchange.
Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Through this partnership, we have a range of mobility opportunities (midwifery student clinical placement exchange) and strong research collaborations.
Malmo University, Sweden
We have a range of academic, student and staff exchange, and research collaborations, as well as midwifery student semester exchange. In 2020, a COIL program, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Malmo University, Sweden, was developed for Bachelor of Nursing students across the three universities.
Sheffield Hallam University
Our developing partnership is facilitating staff and student exchange, as well as research Collaborations. In 2021, a COIL program will be launched for Bachelor of Nursing students across both universities.
University of Windsor, Canada
This partnership features a developed program of academic and student exchange.
Polytechnics Mauritius
In 2019, the School of Nursing and Midwifery, in collaboration with Polytechnics Mauritius, commenced delivery of the Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration) in Mauritius. This course enables registered nurses with diploma qualifications to upgrade to a bachelor degree.