Our People

Our multidisciplinary team comprises researchers and professional staff with expertise in various imaging techniques. We provide equipment training and offer advice on project planning, basic and advanced microscopy techniques and digital image analysis.

Jen Whan photo

Dr Jen Whan - Electron Microscopist

E: J.Whan@latrobe.edu.au

Jen completed her PhD in Plant Pathology at the University of QLD during which time she was both a client and a staff member at UQ’s Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis. She then went on to work at James Cook University’s Advanced Analytical Centre for 13 years, with a year also spent in the Engineering SEM facility at the Auckland University of Technology.

Jen has diverse experience in both biological and materials SEM and TEM (with an emphasis on the biological), and with associated sample preparation techniques.

Jacqueline Orian Profile Photo

Dr Jacqueline Orian - Histology Specialist

E: j.orian@latrobe.edu.au, Profile: La Trobe Scholar

Jacqueline Orian completed a PhD at Monash University and post-doctoral fellowships at The University of Melbourne and Imperial College (UK) where she developed her interest in myelin biology. She then joined La Trobe University and was appointed head of the Neuroimmunology group in 2005, to focus on neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Jacquie's current major research areas include the elucidation of mechanisms underlying neuronal loss and the effects of neuroinflammation on emotional behavior, using the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model. Recently, she identified platelets as key players in the development of neuroinflammation and demonstrated the efficacy of platelet targeting on modification of disease course and on anxiety-like behavior. An additional major interest of the group is the pre-clinical evaluation of candidate MS therapeutics.

Margaret Photo

Dr Margaret Veale - Flow Cytometry Specialist

E: m.veale@latrobe.edu.au

Margaret obtained her PhD from the University of Sydney and completed postdoctoral studies at the Dana Faber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Department of Immunology, Melbourne. She has many years of research experience in flow cytometry and facility management, including in industry.

She is responsible for providing expertise, training and advice for the operation of flow cytometers, including sample preparation, experimental design and support for flow cytometry analysis.

Ivan Poon photo

Professor Ivan Poon - Director, Bioimaging Platform

E: i.poon@latrobe.edu.au, Profile: La Trobe Scholar, Google Scholar

Prof Ivan Poon completed his PhD at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (Australian National University) and joined La Trobe University in 2009 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. In 2011, he joined the Center for Cell Clearance (University of Virginia) as a visiting Assistant Professor and returned to La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science in 2014 to establish his independent laboratory. Prof Poon is currently a NHMRC L1 Investigator Fellow, Director of the Bioimaging Platform and Director of the Research Centre for Extracellular Vesicles.

Prof Poon’s laboratory (Apoptotic Cell Disassembly and Clearance laboratory) studies how and why dying cells fragment into smaller particles during apoptosis. Prof Poon’s team has defined (i) key aspects in the molecular machinery that regulate this disassembly process during cell death, (ii) the importance of this process in disease settings, and (iii) identified novel drugs that target this process.