The metabolomics capability is dedicated to supporting academic and industry research across all scientific disciplines, including agriculture, food and nutrition, pharmaceutical, biomedicine and environment.
We offer end-to-end support from experimental design and chromatographic-mass spectrometry techniques to data analysis and bioinformatics. With our expert staff, state-of-the-art instruments and sophisticated data analysis software packages, we aim to assist researchers in developing and validating analytical methodologies customised for bespoke research projects.
We also provide training and technical support to researchers to become competent and self-sufficient on sample extraction, instrumentation, data analysis and bioinformatics. We work with various sample types including plants, viruses, bacteria, fungi and animals.
Our focus is on accurately detecting, identifying, and quantifying small molecules, discovering signature biomarkers and determining biosynthetic pathways in all biological systems using both targeted and untargeted metabolomics, including lipidomics and volatilomics.
- Quantitative targeted metabolomics
Quantify and analyse a predefined set of metabolites using LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR. Precise measurement of metabolite abundance (absolute/ relative) in samples. For example, this can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic drugs in brain, urine, blood, plasma and/or tumour cell samples from humans and/or mice.
- Quantitative untargeted metabolomics
Comprehensive metabolome screening analysis of all metabolites within a sample to profile and quantify as many metabolites as possible using LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR. For example, metabolite profiling of plants for primary and secondary compounds to understand plant development and stress tolerance.
- Quantitative volatilomics (targeted and untargeted)
Study volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and decipher the whole volatome in a plant, pheromones emitted from animal/human glands, or air quality in the environment using GC-MS (e.g., with headspace solid phase micro-extraction, HS-SPME).
- Quantitative lipidomics (targeted and untargeted)
Understand how lipids behave in organisms, tissues or cells using GC-MS, LC-MS and NMR.
- Biomarkers discovery
Identify statistically significant biomarkers and pathways/networks associated with disease or biological conditions.
- Bioinformatics and data analysis
Statistical workflows in MetaboAnalyst or R for data visualisation, significance and power analysis.
- Customised workflow and experimental design
We collaborate with researchers to design experiments and workflows tailored to specific needs.
- Training for students and users in sample preparation, data acquisition and analysis
Thermo Scientific TSQ 8000 EVO Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS/MS)
Equipped with the Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 gas chromatograph that is retrofitted with a TriPlus RSH Autosampler for automated capabilities including liquid injections, liquid handling (derivatisation), heater/agitator/stirrer, dynamic headspace gas-tight syringe sampling, and solid phase microextraction (using SPME Arrow fibres). This highly sensitive sample handling system coupled to the tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QqQ) offers full scan MS and unique high selective reaction monitoring (HSRM) acquisition modes with fast scan speeds, and is ideal for targeted and untargeted analysis of food, environmental and biological samples for various suites of chemical compound classes such as primary metabolites (e.g., sugar alcohols, carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES), pesticides, terpenes and steroids.
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer (LC-ESI-MS/MS)
This highly sensitive system with high resolution (up to 500,000 FWHM) and high mass accuracy (<3 ppm) includes a combination of the quadrupole, linear ion trap and Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ mass analyser technology. It integrates the Vanquish Flex Quaternary UHPLC (up to 1000 bar) including a Diode Array Detector (wavelength range 190–800 nm), enabling comprehensive MSn data acquisition approaches to easily conduct small molecule structural elucidation, identification, characterisation and quantification of knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns in food, environmental and biological samples.
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap IQ-X™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer (LC-ESI-MS/MS or LC-APCI-MS/MS)
This latest ‘top of the line’ technology in liquid chromatography mass spectrometry includes a quadrupole mass filter, and dual-pressure linear ion trap and Orbitrap mass analysers, allowing for high acquisition rates to provide maximum experimental flexibility for dissociation, detection, identification and quantification of small molecules in complex sample matrices. It integrates the Vanquish Flex Binary UHPLC (up to 1000 bar) including a Diode Array Detector (wavelength range 190–800 nm).
This system has multiple fragmentation techniques such as collision-induced dissociation (CID), higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD), and ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD), available at any stage of MSn with detection in the Orbitrap mass analyser or linear ion trap analyser. Hence, providing richness in analysis of complex biological samples whilst ensuring high mass accuracy (<3 ppm) and high resolution (up to 500,000 FWHM).
Thermo Scientific TSQ Vantage Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (LC-ESI-MS/MS)
Different applications require different levels of system sensitivity, resolution, and speed. Applying this Vanquish Flex Quaternary UHPLC (up to 1000 bar) with a Diode Array Detector (wavelength range 190–800 nm) coupled to the tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QqQ), with its unique high selective reaction monitoring (HSRM) acquisition mode, offers highly robust, accurate, and reproducible analyses for any complex sample matrices to satisfy the challenges in targeted quantification.
NMR Spectrometers
We also work with our NMR specialist at the small molecule structure characterisation capability to characterise metabolites.
Quality is an integral part of our research platform's purpose and value. We are committed to providing our customers, industry partners and academic collaborators with services and products that are of high quality, consistent and compliant.
Our platforms strive to be recognised and trusted by researchers as an excellent research service provider that constantly meet or exceed customer expectations. To achieve this, we have implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) across Research Platforms that operates on all our campuses.
Our QMS is aligned to the AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 standard and the University’s Research 2030: Research and Engagement Plan 2020-2024. In alignment with the ISO standard, efforts are focused on understanding customer needs and ensuring their satisfaction, as well as continuously improving service provision in the pursuit of research excellence. The services provided by Research Platforms are also underpinned by our cultural qualities: to be connected, innovative, accountable and caring.
The Research Platforms quality policy embraces the following key principles:
- Building a mutually beneficial relationship with customers, ensuring their long-term success through the understanding of, and meeting, their needs.
- Nurturing a quality mindset with the objective of providing services that are trusted and preferred by internal and external researchers and deliver on our Research Plan Objective 1: Research Excellence.
- Complying with all relevant laws and regulations as well as internal policies and requirements.
- Continuously challenging all Research Platforms to improve the QMS to prevent quality incidents, eliminate errors, accelerate research, and ensure high quality data through efficient business processes, best-practice and well-defined goals.
- Encouraging involvement in quality responsibilities amongst all Research Platform personnel, researchers and relevant third parties through quality standards, education, training and mentoring, supervision and effective internal and external communication.
Our platforms are currently seeking to achieve ISO9001 accreditation as part of their commitment to their customers. Work to obtain verification by independent third-party certification bodies is ongoing.
The platform’s contributions to research outputs (e.g., publications, presentations, posters) should be acknowledged where possible. These contributions could include:
- paid technical help and services
- accessing research equipment
- scientific advice
- writing assistance.
Proper acknowledgement enables us to demonstrate our value to the research community and highlight our impact on research excellence, which is critical to securing continued funding for our services. Our staff are also researchers with extensive experience and citing them helps to advance their careers.
In cases where substantial intellectual and experimental contributions were made by platform staff, co-authorship must also be offered in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, regardless of whether payment was made for the services. Researchers should also notify the platform of any publications arising from the support provided by our staff, regardless of whether a co-authorship is offered.
Learn more about how to acknowledge us:
All publications resulting from the use of our services and facilities should include this acknowledgement:
‘The authors acknowledge the La Trobe University [Platform Name] for [support received].’
e.g., The authors acknowledge the La Trobe University Proteomics and Metabolomics Platform for the provision of instrumentation, training and technical support.
e.g., The authors acknowledge the La Trobe University Statistics Consultancy Platform for providing advice on statistical analysis.
If you received significant assistance, guidance or help from our platform staff, or where staff have personally generated research data, they should be acknowledged by name:
‘The authors thank [Staff Name] from the La Trobe University [Platform Name] for [his/her/their] support and guidance in this work.’
e.g., The authors thank [Staff Name] from the La Trobe University Proteomics and Metabolomics Platform for collecting and analysing data for proteomics studies, shown in Figure X.
If a platform staff contribute more than just routine techniques or advice, they should be invited to be a co-author on the publications that describe the data. This applies to the development or adaptation of protocols to suit specific experiments, samples or materials, (re)design of experiments, and extensive data analysis and interpretation.
Co-authorship is independent of whether payment was made for the work/ service.
We work with both academic researchers and industry partners, including pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
Access charges are based on instrument access and staff time for sample preparation, analysis on instruments, data analysis, bioinformatics and reporting.
We will provide an estimate of the cost for each project or set of samples based on the pricing model:
- Full fee-for-service based on bespoke project requirements where staff conducts sample preparation, instrumentation, data analysis, bioinformatics and reporting.
- Training on sample preparation, instrumentation, data analysis and bioinformatics for researchers to become competent and self-sufficient.
- Self-service for researchers who are competent and self-sufficient and require only instrument access for their analysis.
- Research service agreement contracts for industry partners or external academics wishing to undertake bespoke projects.
Contact us
For more information and to discuss your requirements, please email Dr Thy Truong, Mass Spectrometry (Metabolomics) Specialist or Proteomics Metabolomics Platform.