Vision, mission and goals

Our work is guided by our Strategic Plan which contains our vision, mission and goals.

We believe that all Autistic people deserve to thrive throughout their lives. Research, innovation and knowledge translation play a vital role in achieving this aim. Our work is informed by Autistic people, community and industry partners, including the scientific community, and our team. Where possible, research projects are co-designed or co-produced with Autistic partners.

We work closely with these key stakeholders in undertaking our research, and communicate our findings locally, nationally and internationally.

Progress towards goals in our Strategic Plan is monitored by OTARC’s senior leadership and incorporated into work action plans for individual staff.

OTARC Strategic Plan [PDF 1.5 MB]

Our impact is evident through outcomes as diverse as:

  • a world-first early identification of autism mobile application, ASDetect
  • an innovative Mental Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention in Autism online conference
  • a partnership with gyms around Victoria to increase participation of young people with disability in exercise.

Our vision and mission


Our vision is for a world where Autistic people, their families and their carers thrive.


Our mission is to enrich the lives of Autistic people, their families and their carers through high-quality scientific research, innovation and translation.

Our goals

We promote positive change in the lives of Autistic people, their families and their carers.

  • engaging Autistic people at every stage of our research
  • being a partner of choice with community, government and industry.

Our research programs