Audio and video resources

We produce videos and podcasts about our research talking with our researchers and those with lived experience of Autism.

Featured Media



Dr Nora Shields talks about the effect of FitSkills on physical activity. A community based support program for young people with disability.

ResearchWorks podcast episode 101



The Neurodivergent Woman podcast interviews A/Prof Josephine Barbaro about the gendered differences with early detection, identifying as neurodivergent, and SACS training

Listen on The Neurodivergent Woman podcast



OTARC’s Associate Professor Josephine Barbaro and Duke University’s Professor Geraldine Dawson speak to Andrew Saintsing, PhD, Intern, and Stephanie DeMarco, PhD, Managing Editor of the Drug Discovery News Dialogues podcast about early identification of autism.

Drug Discovery News Dialogues podcast



We invite leading international and local scholars to present their research to OTARC researchers, our affiliates and the wider La Trobe community. We would like to acknowledge the generosity of our speakers and the audience for participating in the OTARC Seminar Series.

Our seminar series videos are hosted on Vimeo which offers captions.



The seminars cover a wide range of topics, including sensory experiences, caregiver practices, health and wellbeing, early literacy services, coping strategies, self-regulation, and psychological support for Autistic individuals.

Speakers: Professor Alison Lane, Professor Julia Looper, Dr Brittany M. St. John, Dr Lauren Lawson, Milly Romeijn-Stout, Dr Melanie Muniandy, Associate Professor Karla Ausderau, Dr Kelsey Philpott-Robinson and Dr Rebecca Flower.

2023 Vimeo showcase



The seminars cover a wide range of topics related to Autism, including environmental factors, employment programs, telehealth assessment, early detection, and building neurodiversity-inclusive postsecondary campuses.

Speakers: Dr Kate Simpson, Dr Jennifer Spoor, David Tonge, Dr Elizabeth Kryszak, Dr Helen Bourke-Taylor, Dr Anoo Bhopti, Dr Beth Mozolic-Staunton, Dr Professor Sandra Jones, Mohd Syazwan Zainal, and Patrick Dwyer.

2022 Vimeo showcase



The seminars cover a wide range of topics, including participation in community gyms.

Speakers: Georgia McKenzie (OTARC PhD student), Dr Jessica Revill, Victoria Newell, Professor Cheryl Dissanayake AM, Dr Ben Bailey

2024 Vimeo showcase

The story of Autism research in Australia: A conversation with Emeritus Professor Cheryl Dissanayake AM

Listen on the OTARC blog

Bold Thinking Series: Autism: Disability or Ability?

Watch video

Interview with Professor Margot Prior

Professor Cheryl Dissanayake talks to Margot about their career as an Autism researcher.

Watch video

Supporting young people with disability exercising in gyms


  • provide an update on the GYM-SPARC project
  • share information about social support strategies you can use in the gym to support people with disability
  • ask for your feedback on the social support strategies and how we can disseminate this information to the wider recreation gym industry
  • form a community of "gym inclusion champions".

Access the GYM-SPARC workshop

The ‘Inside the Lab’ series was filmed in 2013. Since then, language in Autism research has evolved based on feedback from the Autistic community. All new OTARC research and media content follows our Statement on Language.

Separating Autism and intellectual disability

Learn about the early supports program implemented at ASELCC, the Early Start Denver Model, and related research projects, which focus on how Autistic children learn.

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Stakeholder driven research

Learn about changes in the diagnostic tools for Autism and training for the use of these tools. Presenters also discuss practices in the UK for involving stakeholders (Autism professionals, parents of Autistic children and Autistic adults) and how these drive policy and research development.

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Autism in China

OTARC researchers and their Chinese partners discuss Autism diagnosis and supports in China including the use of the Social Attention and Communication Surveillance (SACS).

Watch video

Research into early interventions

A discussion of the growth and trends of research into early Autism supports.

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Focus on adults

A talk about Autistic adult research and why there seems to be a lack of research in the adult space in the past.

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Early Autism and Global Knowledge Transfer

A discussion of issues related to early identification and Autism diagnosis, and global knowledge and resources transfer as part of Autism Speaks' Global Autism Public Health Initiative.

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Autism in children data reveals surprise

A new study has found children of ethnic minority backgrounds are more likely to be diagnosed with autism. Researchers say the findings highlight the need for greater understanding of the condition, as well as more targeted care to bridge the gaps for minority communities. Dr Ifrah Abdullahi is interviewed about her latest work.

Listen to the podcast

Jaidyn's story

Watch how the early detection of Autism program at OTARC has had a profound effect on the life of Jaidyn and his family.

Watch video

Transforming the early detection of Autism

Watch video

Mapping Autism diagnoses in Australia

Watch video

Understanding the DSM-5

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ASDetect is a free mobile app based on the Social Attention and Communication Surveillance (SACS) method. The app guides parents through age-appropriate assessments of social communication milestones using videos of Autistic and non-Autistic children. Parents receive:

  • an on-screen result of either 'low' or 'high' likelihood of Autism
  • a comprehensive formal assessment results email, which they can take to their family general practitioner.

ASDetect website Learn more about the SACS

The benefits of ASDetect

Watch video

ASDetect: Early detection app for Apple and Android

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The technology behind ASDetect

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Understanding and facilitating learning in Autistic children

A talk about research on how Autistic children learn and how we can improve the learning outcomes using innovative support approaches.

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Victorian Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre

The Centre is committed to addressing the needs of families of Autistic children at the Margot Prior Wing (MPW). The early supports program being researched at the Centre is the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM).

Watch video

Emotional Reactions of Autistic children

A talk about the widespread belief that Autistic people are "emotionally detached" from others to see if this view can still be maintained.

Watch video

The impact of sleep quality, fatigue and social well-being on depressive symptomatology in autistic older adolescents and young adults

A discussion of sleep, fatigue and social wellbeing with Professor Amanda Richdale.

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Collaborative mental health care to support adults on the Autism spectrum

A discussion of collaborative mental health care to support Autistic adults.

Watch video

Autism and Suicide

Prisoner of the Mind podcast with Dr. Jessica Revill

Watch video

*sign into YouTube required - age restricted content

The Suicide Response Project

Prisoner of the Mind podcast with Dr. Jessica Revill

Watch video

*sign into YouTube required - age restricted content

Emotion regulation in autism

OTARC PhD Student & Autism CRC scholar Ru Ying Cai on the kind of strategies Autistic adults use to regulate their emotions.

Watch video


Prevention as intervention with Dr Kristelle Hudry

Early intervention in Child Care with Dr Giacomo Vivanti

Melanie Muniandy talks about coping and mental health outcomes of Autistic people.


Dr Katy Unwin talks about Autism, neurodiversity and sensory difference.


Professor Cheryl Dissanayake talks about Mrs Tennison's bequest, and the history and future of OTARC.


"Cracking Autism’s sleep conundrum" on the Spectrum News podcast


"Sleep and Autism" with the host of a different brilliant (Aspect)


"Sleep in Autism Spectrum Disorder" on SCN2A Australia


"Sleep: it’s what’s important for Autism" on the ABC


"Sleep: it’s what’s important for Autism" on ASF Weekly Science Podcast (USA)


"Changing the Global Mindset on Autism and Employment"

Specialisterne Denmark’s founder Thorkil Sonne gives a personal account of his journey.


"Australian Spatial Analytics and neurodiversity employment"

Dr Susan Hayward was interviewed for The Bright Side podcast (ABC). Starts at 9:15


Other OTARC Resources

We develop and evaluate innovative approaches that enrich the lives of Autistic people.

Explore OTARC’s resources