Clinical learning environments
The purpose-built health facilities at LRHS give our students modern, interactive learning experiences and support the ground-breaking work of our diverse team of researchers.
The clinical learning environments at LRHS provide realistic but safe spaces for students to start putting theory into practice. They help students develop the clinical and critical thinking skills that are vital for a career as a health professional.
Experience gained in our world-class facilities mean our students confidently enter the workplace for their clinical placements with our industry partners.
La Trobe Rural Health School's clinical learning environments provide a centre of excellence for innovative approaches to teaching and learning and research.
These specialist facilities are located across the Albury-Wodonga, Bendigo, Mildura and Shepparton campuses. The Bendigo facilities are at both the Flora Hill and Clinical Teaching Building sites.
These learning spaces replicate those encountered in real clinical settings, so that we can provide collaborative, experiential approaches to teaching and learning for nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy students.
Simulation is a key educational modality used to deliver subject content, linking theory, practice and critical thinking skills to support students’ transition into the clinical environment.
The clinical learning environments feature:
- Hospital electric beds
- Linen, medication and dressing trolleys
- Piped oxygen and suction system
- Intravenous infusion, syringe drivers, feeding pumps, epidural and patinas controlled analgesia pumps
- Portable and in-situ ventilators
- C-PAP and BiPAP machines
Our simulated birthing suite includes:
- Birthing bed
- Resuscitator
- CTG machine
We use a wide range of high and medium-technology manikins and simulators including:
- Sim man 3G- High-tech simulator features rise and fall of chest, venous and arterial bleeding, sweating and provides high quality computerised feedback
- Sim man Essentials- High-tech simulator
- SimMOM- Birthing manikin
- Sim Newbie- New born high technology manikin
- Nursing resuscitation manikin for advanced and basic life support
- Nursing Anne
Take a virtual tour
Explore our simulated clinical learning environments and find features such as 'Sim Mum' and her new born baby in Albury-Wodonga, or the mock living area for home-based emergency training in Bendigo.