Design standards

The Design Standards, Version 17.1 [4MB] are to be used to enable design professionals to:

  1. Increase the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the project design, documentation and delivery process to the advantage of LTU.
  2. Ensure that LTU preserves and utilizes its corporate knowledge in relation to the delivery and management of its facilities.
  3. Assist LTU to provide teaching, learning, research and administration facilities that deliver on LTU policy objectives while managing the cost of operating and maintaining facilities within acceptable limits.

The Design Standards should not be read in isolation, but in conjunction with applicable legislation, and other standards and guidelines issued by State Government agencies, service providers and relevant authorities.

The current Design Standards, Version 17.1 was updated 30 July 2024.


To access these files:

1. right-click the link and save them to your desktop

2. open the file with AutoCAD or equivalent software.

Base Floor Plans
Evacuation Drawings