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When you plan your return to your home university, you’ll need to consider a few important points.

Once you have completed your studies with us, we want to ensure a smooth transition back to your regular studies back home. Here’s some important information you need to know by the end of your study abroad or exchange experience to meet the requirements for completing your studies with us.

Our supplementary or special exams are usually held after the regular semester ends. This means they could be held after your Australian student visa expires, because the duration of your visa is linked to the regular length of your course.

If this is the case, you won’t be able to take a supplementary or special exam for any failed subjects.

Remember, we’re always here to help you succeed in your studies. If you’re struggling with any of your subjects, seek help much earlier than the exam period. Get in touch with your academics, our International Student Services team or La Trobe Abroad.

Find the dates of our examination periods on our exams and results page.

Learn how we can help you manage your academic progress.

Did you arrange your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) through La Trobe University? If you’re a study abroad or exchange student and you haven’t made a claim on your OSHC, you’re entitled to a refund for the remaining duration of your coverage once you return home. You’ll be contacted closer to the end of the semester with instructions on how to apply for your refund.

Make sure you pay all your debts before you leave, including accommodation costs, any library penalties and all other debts.

Any outstanding debts you owe La Trobe will result in a sanction being placed on your La Trobe Student account. This means your transcript will also be put on hold, which will delay your ability to transfer your credits at your home university.

Find out more about fee sanctions and how they could affect you.

Once your results have been released, your transcript will be issued through the My eQuals secure platform. The documents are digitally certified, and we provide you with a login to access them online.

You can also download an unofficial copy of your grades from StudentOnline which will be active for another three months after you complete your program.

Check the dates for when results will be released on our exams and results page.

Share your experience

We’d love to hear about your experience and any feedback you have on your time at La Trobe University or in Australia! Be sure to: