Các khoản vay nước ngoài khác

If your home country offers financial support to overseas students, we can help you access and apply for loans.

If you’re an international student from Norway, Sweden or Canada, you can apply for financial support through loan providers in your home country. We’re here to assist you through this process, including by helping you with loan forms.

See below for more information about the financial support available if you’re a Norwegian, Swedish or Canadian student.

If you have any questions or need more information about applying for loans as an international student, our Foreign Loans office can help.

Canadian students

Financial support for Canadian students is available through loan providers, including Student Aid British Columbia (BC), the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and Alberta Student Aid. Our office can also assist with completing tax forms for the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA).

Norwegian students

Financial support for Norwegian students is available through Lånekassen.

Visit Lånekassen website

Swedish students

Financial support for Swedish students is available through the Central Student Aid Committee (CSN).

Visit the Central Student Aid Committee website