Doing business with La Trobe

La Trobe University is committed to open and fair competition and seeks 'value for money' in all its dealings with all types of organisations.

If you wish to provide goods or services to La Trobe University, we require you to be set up on our systems. Your La Trobe contact must first complete an internal New Vendor request form and, once approved, Strategic Sourcing & Procurement will send you a secure link to the application form. You must then complete this application form and provide any necessary supporting documentation, including but not limited to:

  • A Working With Children Check Declaration/Exemption/WWCC card;
  • Any required Product and Public Liability insurance certificates.

Following the provision of this information and your agreement to our Terms and Conditions, your organisation will be set up as a vendor in our system.

IMPORTANT - Before supplying any goods or services, you will need to have received a valid Purchase Order number from La Trobe University, or an explicit acknowledgement that no Purchase Order is required for that particular engagement.  Please speak with your La Trobe contact to see if you require a Purchase order.  Not having a valid Purchase Order number may result in a delay of payment.

The Strategic Sourcing & Procurement team are accountable, use open generic terms and conditions and observe the Government policy of industry development by actively seeking and offering opportunities for competitive local industry, especially in the communities where our regional campuses are located.

Payment Terms

The University's payment terms are 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice was dated.

New Vendor Application

When a La Trobe staff member has requested that your company register as a Vendor, the staff member will complete a New Vendor Checklist and once approved, Strategic Sourcing & Procurement will send you a link to the application form. You must complete this form and provide the supporting documentation in order for your application to be processed.

Update Vendor Information

Update Vendor Information

If your company is currently a Vendor/Supplier to La Trobe University and you have a username and password you are able to update your Vendor details through this website.  It is important to keep your details up to date on our system to ensure any invoices are paid promptly.

If your organisation has changed it's ABN you will be required to complete a New Vendor Application.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

La Trobe University's Terms and Conditions for Vendors/Suppliers of goods and/or services to the University are:

These Terms & Conditions do not apply to the supply of any goods or provision of any services which have been executed in a separate written agreement with La Trobe University.

Any queries please email

Tenders at La Trobe

Tenders at La Trobe

All tenders that are currently open are available through our e-Tendering portal

Vaccination Requirements

In response to the rapidly changing Government requirements to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, the University has implemented the Health & Safety Procedure - COVID-19 Vaccination.  The COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure requires that any person who attends a La Trobe University Campus must provide evidence of their vaccination status upon request (unless they have been granted an Exemption by the University in accordance with the Procedure).

Keeping CovidSafe at La Trobe University

As a Contractor, if you are required to attend a La Trobe University campus, our University Health and Safety Procedure – COVID-19 vaccination and other measures requires that you must notify the University via your La Trobe contact if you or your staff are COVID-19 positive and attended the University within 48 hours of becoming symptomatic.

Although a face mask is no longer required by the Government in the majority of settings, it is still required for everyone to carry a face mask with them when they go out. While you are attending the University you are required to continue COVIDSafe practices, such as:

  • stay home if you are unwell
  • practice physical distancing
  • encourage air movement and ventilation

We strongly consider wearing face masks in all indoor settings away from home, especially where you cannot physically distance.

Failure of the Contractor to comply with the University’s procedure may result in the University taking action regarding the Contractor’s engagement.

We thank you for your compliance with our Health and Safety procedure and for keeping our campus COVIDSafe.

Modern Slavery Governance and Compliance

Overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth)

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 mandates entities operating in Australia with an annual revenue over $100 million to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains, and the actions taken to address these risks. This legislation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in combating modern slavery.

Definition and Types of Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery encompasses practices where coercion, threats, or deception are used to exploit individuals. This includes:

  • Human Trafficking
  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced Marriage
  • Forced Labour
  • Debt Bondage
  • Child Labour
  • Deceptive Recruiting

These practices can exist across all industries and countries and are linked to violations of human rights.

La Trobe University’s Commitment

La Trobe University is committed to upholding international human rights standards and ensuring ethical practices within its operations and supply chains. The University requires all employees, contractors, and partners to comply with these standards, as outlined in the annual Modern Slavery Statement.

Expectations from Suppliers

La Trobe University expects its suppliers to adhere to the same high standards, conducting due diligence within their supply chains to identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery. Suppliers may be requested to provide information about their supply chain risk assessments and the measures implemented to address potential risks.

Reporting Modern Slavery

If you observe, have concerns, or suspect modern slavery within the University's operations or a a supplier's operations or supply chains, it is crucial to report these concerns immediately.

In emergencies, contact:

  • Police or Emergency Services: 000
  • Campus Security (24 hours): 03 9479 2222

To submit a confidential report, use our Modern Slavery reporting tool. In accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 and the University’s Public Interest (Whistleblower) Disclosure Policy, your notification/disclosure may be made anonymously and will be kept strictly confidential.

Compliance and Remediation

For entities required to report under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), failure to provide a Modern Slavery Statement can lead to requests for explanations and remedial action from the Minister. La Trobe University takes allegations of modern slavery seriously, with mechanisms in place for investigation, compliance breach registration, and remedial actions according to contractual terms.

Knowledge and Awareness

La Trobe University offers knowledge and awareness resources for its employees and suppliers to support understanding of modern slavery risks and the importance of preventative actions.

Modern Slavery Statement Submission

The University's Modern Slavery Statement, is prepared in collaboration with key stakeholders, and is submitted annually to the Attorney General’s Department. The Statement outlines the university's structure, operations, supply chain risks, and the effectiveness of actions taken to mitigate these risks.

Commitment from Suppliers and Stakeholders

La Trobe University requires a collaborative effort from all suppliers and stakeholders to combat modern slavery effectively. Suppliers are urged to engage proactively in identifying and mitigating risks, ensuring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, and upholding ethical standards within their operations and supply chains.

Additional Resources:

View the University's Modern Slavery Fact Sheet here.

View the University's Modern Slavery Statements here.

Associated links:

Fighting Modern Slavery

Supplier Scams and Suspected Fraudulent Emails

If you receive an email from La Trobe University, make sure it's genuine La Trobe University correspondence before clicking a link or opening an attachment.

Scam emails can sometimes be difficult to spot. Here are some things to look for to verify genuine La Trobe University correspondence:

  • The sender’s email address contains ‘’ – hover over the sender’s email address and the ‘Reply-To’ address to check.
  • Dates are displayed as dd/mm/yyyy.
  • The purchase order:
    • contains consistent formatting throughout
    • includes reference to terms and conditions
    • includes a La Trobe University delivery address.

Suspected fraudulent emails

If you suspect you have received a fraudulent email:

  • don't open the attachment
  • don't respond to the sender
  • notify us by emailing and attaching the suspect email
  • delete the email immediately.

La Trobe University is not responsible for fraudulent third-party activity.

If you're unsure about a request for quote or purchase order, please email or a known La Trobe University contact.