Emergency and critical incident procedures
The Emergency and Critical Incident Procedures provides staff with advice on what to do in emergencies. This site outlines the steps to follow if an emergency situation occurs on campus.
It includes refreshed and simplified protocols for responding to all the different types of critical incidents and emergencies.
In the event of an emergency or critical incident, where you have called the Emergency Services, also contacting Security is important as the on-campus security staff can provide a more immediate response. Notifying Security also assists with getting the Emergency Services quickly to the right location.
Please take the time to read the information and familiarise yourself with the University's Emergency and Critical Incident Procedures.
Emergency incident response codes
- Code Brown: External Emergency
- Code Red: Fire/Smoke
- Code Blue: Medical Emergency (First Aid)
- Code Yellow: Gas Leak or Chemical Spill
- Code Orange: Evacuation
- Code Orange: Evacuation for Person with a Disability
- Code Purple: Bomb/Chemical or Biological Threat
- Code Black: Personal Threat
- Code White: Major Disruption or Outage Incident
- Code Green: Data Breach/Cyber Incident
- Resources