Meredith Sussex AM

Image of Council Member Meredith Sussex

Method of Appointment

Governor in Council appointment

Membership Tenure

Appointed 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2024 (inclusive)

Current Committees

  • Estates Development & Infrastructure Committee (Chair)
  • Corporate Governance, Risk, Internal Audit and Safety Committee

Professional Background/experience

Director – Meredith Sussex and Associates

Aug 2009 – Present

  • Chair, Fishermans Bend Development Board (current), formerly Chair, Fishermans Bend Ministerial Advisory Committee
  • Non-Executive Director of Housing Choices Australia (current)
  • Former Non-Executive Director on a number of Boards including the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, the Port of Melbourne and Vicurban
  • Strategic advice to organisations on public policy, planning, management and governance
  • Specialist advice on strategic issues relating to city planning including membership of the Council of Australian Governments Cities’ Expert Panel
  • Ongoing advisory role on city issues
  • Ongoing consultancy advice on governance and management to non-government organisations
  • Executive coaching to CEOs in the non-government sector

Meredith Sussex is Chair of the Board of Directors at Fishermans Bend Development in Victoria. She has also been a non-executive director of several Boards, including the Board of the Port of Melbourne.

She was a Lecturer of the Masters Program on Urban Governance at the University of New South Wales (until 2020).

Meredith has held senior positions in the Victorian Government, including Deputy Secretary/Director, Training and Further Education at the Department of Education, Deputy Secretary and Head of Cabinet Office in the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

From 2002-2006 she led the Office of Commonwealth Games Coordination, for which she was awarded the Order of Australia in 2007.