Big Data analytics for Australia’s Defence, National security and law enforcement

Intelligence acquisition and processing from unstructured data using cognitive analytics techniques

Data to Decisions Cooperative Research Centre (D2D CRC) represents an investment of $88 million into Australia’s big data research effort over the next five years, with $25 million being contributed through the Cooperative Research Centers program, an Australian Government Initiative.

The research will be aimed at “arming Industry with the tools, techniques and workforce to unlock the value of their data in order to make business decisions that will improve their competitiveness and productivity in a global economy.”

Research participants

Partners and collaborators

The Research Centre for Data Analytics and Cognition (CDAC) and D2D CRC is partnering with Genix ventures in developing tools for intelligence acquisition and processing. These tools are developed from unstructured data, which is analysed using cognitive analytics techniques

The project will be conducted in a number of phases. The first phase (now completed) developed and demonstrated new machine learning techniques in capturing events from text data streams.

D2D CRC ‘beat the news’ project

Topic Capturing and Prediction Based Alerting

We are aiming to develop and implement new techniques for:

  • extracting topics,
  • monitoring topic evolution (temporal patterns and anomaly detection),
  • microblogging services such as Twitter and Instagram as well as news, email and other standard language text archives.

The project will also use the extracted topics and information to populate an appropriate knowledge base (e.g. an internal Wiki) or trigger events to an internal application (e.g. case management).