Research pathways and opportunities
We have strong, transparent pathways for developing your career in research and programs in place to scaffold the process. Our Academic Promotions process ensures there are clear recognition and reward pathways for research academics.
The Graduate Research School's Research Education and Development (RED) team supports and assists La Trobe graduate researchers and academic staff in:
- quality research practices
- strategies for success in research publication and funding
- insight into researcher career paths and industry sectors
- practising excellent research communication skills
The RED team host workshops to design your research aspirations in a broad range of areas including career development, communicating and managing your research, supervising graduate researchers, research funding and how to get it, research writing and publication, and commercialisation and research entrepreneurship.
Outside studies program (OSP)
To promote research and scholarship, our OSP is available to academic staff on continuing contracts. Our OSP policy is available online and key dates and details are available to current staff on our intranet [staff login required].
Research Awards
Our annual awards recognise the achievements of our high performing researchers and provide funding to support further career development. Our research awards honour and celebrate staff who undertake high impact research, win competitive grants, produce high quality outputs and enhance our research culture. We also celebrate research supervisors who demonstrate a record of successful engagement in high quality research supervision leadership. More details on these awards are available to current staff [staff login required].
Academic promotions
Resources and support for our academic promotions process.
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Current vacancies at La Trobe
Browse current vacancies across our campus network and log in to existing applications.
SAGE Athena Swan
We hold a bronze institutional award for our commitment to gender equality and diversity in all operations.
Researcher partnerships with industry
Learn more about how our research makes a difference to business and communities.