The program is an online career awareness program that introduces students to one of the fastest growing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) career pathways, with the aim of addressing Australia’s critical cyber skills shortage.
The Optus Cyber Security Experience is part of LifeJourney’s Day of STEM initiative, launched in 2016 with La Trobe University as the founding higher education sponsor.
Optus helped La Trobe University establish an industry-focused cyber security curriculum through an $8 million partnership.
The program delivers one of Australia’s first free online national cyber security education courses for students to experience a day in the life of Optus’s cyber experts to understand the skills and activities involved in a cyber-attack. It also emphasises the critical importance in helping Australian organisations combat the growing volume of cyber threats.
The program also provides a Cyber Teacher Certification program so the nation’s ICT, Mathematics and Science teachers can deliver cyber security learnings to their students.
David Caspari, Vice President Business Technology Services at Optus said, “Optus Business continues to lead Australian ICT enterprises in bridging Australia’s cyber security skills gap.
“The Optus Cyber Security Experience is a great example of how Optus Business and global partners such as LifeJourney are working together to deliver an interactive learning experience to inspire students to think about careers in cyber security and study STEM subjects at school.”
La Trobe University is partnering to connect secondary and university students with exciting new cyber courses and degree pathways.
“Universities have a vital role to play in working with industry and the community to stay cyber safe,” said La Trobe Vice Chancellor Professor John Dewar.
“La Trobe is a sector leader in both cyber security education and research innovation. We will continue to help create the knowledge, awareness and the workforce that will keep us a step ahead of the next cyber attack.”
Speaking at the launch event this week, Australian Cyber Security Growth Network CEO Craig Davies said: “As part of our Cyber Security Sector Competitiveness Plan, there’s a critical need for collaboration to occur across the cyber community and develop educational pathways into the security industry.
“There’s no questioning an ‘all-in’ approach is needed to properly address Australia’s cyber skills shortage, and initiatives such as the Optus Cyber Security Experience demonstrate how all parts of the ecosystem – government, industry and academia – can help improve the current cyber curriculum and develop a strong pipeline of job-ready graduates.”
LifeJourney CEO Rick Geritz said: “Research suggests there will be a global shortfall of two million cyber security professionals by 2019 and Australia is no exception to this trend. Through our ‘Day of STEM’ platform, LifeJourney is committed to engaging all Australian students with an authentic experience that empowers them to explore exciting opportunities in cyber security.”
Details of the program are at