Biotechnology thriving through La Trobe’s dedication to impact

In the dynamic world of biotechnology, where scientific breakthroughs fuel innovation and shape the future of Australia and beyond, La Trobe University's commitment to research and education positions it as a trailblazer in the field.

La Trobe is a leader in research and education across both medical and agricultural biotechnology, with expertise in immunology, genetic engineering, microbiology, and structural biology, seed biology and nutritional bioengineering.

Through our collaborations, world-class facilities, and innovative programs, the University contributes significantly to scientific advancements, research and development, and industry growth.

Our research institutes and centres – including the La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences (LIMS), Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Centre, the Baker Department of Cardiovascular Research, Translation and Implementation, La Trobe Institute of Sustainable Agriculture and Food, and the Centre for AgriBioscience, a joint venture with Agriculture Victoria – enable the University to work on cross-disciplinary projects, with a focus on innovation and translation to support biotech organisations and the development of the local biotech sector.

A major contribution to the Australian biotechnology ecosystem is the establishment of global biotechnology company BioNTech’s state-of-the-art mRNA clinical-scale manufacturing facility at the La Trobe University Melbourne campus in Bundoora. Set to open in late 2025, the facility will focus on developing investigational mRNA therapies for serious diseases, including cancer.

Additionally, the University’s newly established Bio Innovation Hub plays a key role in the biotechnology offering available to industry – a space dedicated to research translation, collaboration, entrepreneurship, and transformative solutions in biotech.

Designed for early-stage biotechnology and agritechnology businesses, the Bio Innovation Hub houses PC2 laboratories and facilities, with up to 12 private suites, access to open-plan benches and shared and general research equipment.

It has been purpose-built to enable tenants to focus their resources on research and development, while being part of the University ecosystem that offers a community of like-minded companies, access to leading academic researchers, as well as a future workforce and world-class research infrastructure.

The hub sits within the Research and Innovation Precinct, a cornerstone of the wider La Trobe University City of the Future (UCoF) initiative. The Research and Innovation Precinct offers a highly engaged ecosystem with networking events, showcases, research spotlights, webinars, and entrepreneurship programs to support the development and growth of our industry partnerships. Through these research and strategic collaborations, the hub provides invaluable support to entrepreneurs, facilitates technology transfer, and nurtures a culture of innovation and commercialisation.

By bridging the gap between academia and industry, La Trobe has a proud history of co-location of industry in our facilities, supporting the growth of biotechnology and agritechnology companies from start-ups to ASX listing. Continuing to actively shape the future of biotechnology and helping to bring life-changing innovations to market.

La Trobe University's position in the biotech sector, propelled by the establishment of the Bio Innovation Hub, marks a significant milestone in its journey of scientific excellence and societal impact.

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To enquire about Bio Innovation Hub tenancy, contact Bruce Ross, Senior Business Development Manager, Research and Innovation Precinct. E

For general enquiries, contact Research and Innovation Precinct