What’s in your bag? The ultimate university survival kit

This article was written by our Semester 2, 2024 social media intern, Imtinan.

Let’s face it—university life can be overwhelming. But with the right essentials in your bag, you can tackle anything that comes your way. Here is the ultimate list of great necessities that you should have.

The Basics Kit:

  • Your trusty notebook and colourful pens. Sure, we live in a digital age, but there is something that remains special about scribbling down ideas.
  • Your laptop or tablet is a must have with all your notes, memes and that one Netflix tab you swear is only used during study breaks.
  • Your student ID because it is your Wonka golden ticket to discounts, library access and proving you belong on campus!

The Organization Kit:

  • Your planner or go-to calendar app on your phone, laptop, or tablet is your secret superpower, keeping track of everything from deadlines to outings.
  • Your binder to safekeep your notes, worksheets and Picasso doodles. Say goodbye to crumpled papers at the bottom of your bag!

The Comfort Kit:

  • Your reusable water bottle is necessary because hydration is key.
  • Your collection of snacks because hanger is real and you do not want it to ruin your day.
  • Your own customizable first-aid kit that fits all your daily needs, for instance, hand sanitizer, tissues and pain relief tablets, etc.

The Tech Kit:

  • Your headphones are essential for tuning out distractions or tuning into your favourite study jams.
  • Your portable charger is a lifesaving gadget, because nothing is worse than your phone dying right before you can check your group chat for study notes.

The Just-In-Case Kit:

  • Your umbrella might seem useless at times, but when that surprise downpour hits, you will be the dry one laughing.
  • Your foldable shopping bag is perfect for those impromptu shopping sprees or carrying home all those library books you swear you will read.

With these essentials packed, you will be more than ready to take on university life with a smile and a bit of style.

Stay prepared, stay awesome!