Six things you need to know about Census date

Each subject of study offered at the University will have a Census date. A Census date is the last date you can withdraw from a subject without being financially liable i.e. having to pay for the subject. We’ve listed six things you should know about Census date.

1. Your current subjects may have different Census dates

Did you know your current enrolled subjects may have different Census dates? Census dates vary depending on whether your subject is running in a Term, Semester or non-standard teaching period, so you may have multiple Census dates relevant to your study plan. The best way check the Census dates for different study periods is to view the Census date webpage. You can also see your subject Census dates on your Statement of Account in StudentOnLine.

2. You can drop subjects until the study period Census date without paying for them

A few weeks in and you’re just not feeling a subject or struggling to balance university and outside life? In most circumstances, you can drop a subject without penalty before Census date. Dropping a subject and getting the balance right before the Census date is definitely a better option than struggling and stressing about it for the rest of the Semester or Term. It’s also better to drop a subject before the Census date to avoid paying for it.

Find out how to change your subjects/enrolment.

3. Your financial arrangements need to be finalised

Make sure that your Commonwealth Support (CSP) arrangements are finalised. These arrangements include HECS-HELP and SA-HELP, which allow you to choose between paying your fees upfront or deferring and paying later, if eligible. You can finalise all your CSP arrangements on StudentOnLine after you have enrolled in the first subjects for your course..

If you’re a domestic student and paying your fees upfront, this must be done by the Census date. Instructions for how to pay your fees can be found in your Statement of Account.

4. Your personal details need to match up between La Trobe and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

Make sure the personal details you have listed with La Trobe match the details you have given the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). You can check your ATO personal details by creating an account and logging into myGov.

If your details don’t match up, the government can’t confirm your enrolment and this may impact your funding, including Centrelink benefits. If you need to, you can update your La Trobe personal details via StudentOnLine.

You also need to obtain and submit a Unique Student Identifier (USI). You need a USI in order to apply for Government financial HELP-loans and to receive your qualifications once you’ve completed your degree.

5. You can take leave without cost

There are heaps of reasons why you may need to take some time off your studies and it’s a great option if you need some time to deal with personal issues, address your finances or you simply need a break for self-care.

You may be able to take up to 12 months’ leave from your course, and if you do so before Census date, you won’t be liable for the Semester or Term fees.

Speak with your Student Advisor or course coordinator before you apply to discuss the possible impact on your study plan. One thing to consider is that taking leave from your studies can affect the duration of your course.

6. Support and advice are available for you

Every uni student has had second thoughts at some point – there are so many things that play on your mind while you’re studying, from your personal life to your studies, to the odd existential career crisis.

We have lots of support services available to assist with all of these issues when they occur. Our Student Wellbeing team can provide advice if you’re struggling personally in any way, course and subject coordinators, Library Support and Student Advisors can assist you with your studies, and our Career Ready team can assist with any careers questions that you have.