Looking to expand your sustainability efforts from the campus into the home? Our Sustainability at Home series has you covered with tips and tricks about how you can start or continue your green journey at home.
We’ve got ideas that range from simple and easy tips, right through to more challenging actions for those looking to take it to the next level.
Simple energy saving tips to get you started:
La Trobe’s Net Zero program is well underway and will help the University to reduce energy use and cut emissions. With the below energy saving ideas, you can do the same at home with these tips:
- Dress for the weather: Do you easily feel those colder chills? Time to layer up! Put on extra jumpers, a vest, scarves and even your puffy jacket when indoors – particularly during winter.
- Stay in the zone: In winter, set your thermostat between 18-20 degrees and in summer try to keep it between 23-24 degrees.
- Stop those energy sucking draughts: In the cooler months, close your windows and curtains to help keep the heat in and the cold out. You can even use a door snake to seal any draughts.
- Work your electricity rates: Cold wash during the day or economy wash overnight if you have off-peak rates.
- Watch the weather: Skip the dryer by line-drying your washing when there’s some sun or a breeze, or hang clothes inside on a clotheshorse.
- Kill your phantom usage: Switch appliances off at the plug to save on standby power use.
Want to go the whole nine yards?
If you want even more of a challenge, make the ‘switch’ to LEDs at home. Here are a few reasons why LEDs are better for the planet:
- LEDs use 75 per cent less energy than halogen lights.
- They provide a better quality of light which means less lights are needed.
- LEDs last five to 10 times longer than halogens so they need to be changed less frequently, reducing waste and maintenance costs.
- They can be recycled as they’re free from toxic materials.
- LEDs can save you money with the pay payback time being less than a year.