International students: Know your work rights

Are you an international student working part-time outside of your study?

Want to know what your full rights are to make sure you are not being exploited?

As an international student you are permitted to work on a student visa. We’ve outlined the ground rules below.

How many hours can I work?

For coursework students (Bachelors or Masters) you can work up to 48 hours a fortnight while University is in session and unlimited hours when University is on an official break. Check the official University calendar for dates when the University is in session and on break.

Internships and placements that are a compulsory part of the course are NOT included in the work hours, however internships and placements that are optional/elective ARE included in the 48 hours total.

If you are undertaking a Masters by Research or PHD you can work unlimited hours.

In both cases, you can only start working after your course has commenced. This information may be verified at the Department of Home Affairs website.

To find out more, visit our International work rights FAQ.

How do I learn more about my rights when I’m working?

As an international student you should make yourself aware of your work rights under Australian law and the minimum wage you are entitled to. More information can be found at the Government’s Fair Work website.

Further information on student visas can be found from the Department
of Home Affairs