Here’s how you can get practical experience while you are studying

There’s nothing quite like real world, practical experience to enrich your degree. At La Trobe, you can access a range of rewarding, hands-on work based learning opportunities to complement your studies, boost your career prospects and strengthen your employability skills.

Why do work based learning?

  • Make valuable professional connections
  • Apply your knowledge in a real industry setting
  • Gain experiences and skills to add to your resume
  • Prepare to transition to the workforce
  • Have fun!

What’s on offer?

Industry Placement Minor

Undertake a four subject, university-wide elective minor and complete 200-400 hours of industry placements as part of your degree in any discipline or area of study. Choose one 400-hour placement across the four subjects or complete up to four placements with different industry partners.

Kickstart your professional development with the Industry Venture Challenge. A fun learning environment where you can work on industry challenges with teammates from across the university whilst you complete most of your placement hours remotely.

Industry Placement elective subjects LTU3IND or LTU5IND

Make a meaningful contribution and gain valuable workplace skills in your industry of choice by enrolling in a 15 credit point industry placement elective subject. Complete a placement of 100 hours in any discipline, supported by both an industry supervisor and an academic supervisor at La Trobe University.

Undergraduate students will need to have completed at least 120 credit points before enrolling in LTU3IND. LTU5IND is open to postgraduate students at any time in your degree, so long as you have elective space available.

Not sure where to start? Find out more about the Industry Placement Elective Subjects or contact our Industry Placement team to discuss different options to help you find what you’re looking for.

Work Integrated Learning and discipline specific placements

The University offers a range of discipline specific placement subjects which may be taken as electives. These are a great opportunity to gain structured practical experience in a real industry setting as part of your degree.

Requirements for placement hours and the durations of placements differ between subjects.

Placements may be self-sourced or sourced by the University.

View the full list of available options by discipline.

Career Ready Industry Experience

Undertaking a Career Ready Industry Experience might be for you, if you don’t have room for an elective or are looking for something a little shorter.

Complete a two week experience and work in a team to solve a real-world industry challenge for a client. Projects are designed to suit students in any degree and are available at any stage of your course.

This program is run in partnership with Practera.

Information sessions are offered at different times throughout the year. You can search and register for these sessions, via the Career Hub events page.

Note: Career Ready Industry Experience programs are extra-curricular and do not contribute to your total course credit points.

Core Subject Placements

Some courses (e.g. Bachelor of Nursing) have core placement subjects. These subjects are compulsory and students are required to complete an in-industry placement in order to gain professional registration. Check your course Handbook for more details.