ACT on Procrastination – Online Program

“The best way to get something done is to begin.”

Author unknown
  • Do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer staring off into space, or scrolling through random online content instead of researching your assignment and getting important stuff done?
  • Do you get caught in the avoidance trap by distracting yourself with activities other than what you need to do? 
  • Does your procrastination result in you missing out on important things in your life?

If so, the online three-session group program offered by the La Trobe Counselling Service, ACT on Procrastination is for you.

The program offers strategies to help you get motivated and work on overcoming procrastination.

Group aims

  • Understand your own experience of procrastination, your reasons for procrastinating, and the benefits and costs of your behaviour.
  • Consider beliefs about motivation and learn to practice committed action.
  • Remove barriers to action
  • Learn behaviour change strategies.

Session dates

You must attend all three sessions:

Thursday 1 May
Thursday 8 May
Thursday 15 May

Time: 10.30 am – 12:30 pm


Zoom link will be provided after registration.  Please note that given this is a group program, we request that you have your cameras turned on.


You can register your interest via the link below – please select ‘Group Program Registration’.

If you have any questions before registering, please contact Jackie on