A reminder about snakes on campus in the warmer weather

Spring is here and the weather is warming up, so if you’re on campus you may notice an increase in snake activity.

This time of year is when snakes become more active as they emerge from their winter hibernation period and start to go about feeding (to build up body reserves after winter) and breeding, as well as basking in that warm sunshine.

Snakes are part of the natural environment and if you do happen to encounter one, below are some tips on how to stay safe.

What to do if you see a snake

  • Do not approach, corner, touch, or attempt to trap or kill snakes, as some can be highly venomous.
  • Remain still and calm if you encounter a snake. Do not panic; instead, move away slowly. Snakes typically prefer to avoid detection and will often move away or hide.
  • Notify nearby individuals about the snake, advising them to stay calm and keep a safe distance.
  • Stick to designated walkways and steer clear of dense vegetation to reduce the risk of encountering snakes.
  • If you spot a snake, contact La Trobe Emergency at (03) 9479 2222 for assistance (all campuses). Save this number in your phone for easy reference.

For emergency medical attention, please contact 000 (Triple Zero) then call La Trobe Emergency (03) 9479 2222 (all campuses).

First aid kits

Please note that the new first aid kits on campus now include a snake bite module, which can be used for treating snake bites. These first aid kits are available in all buildings across all campuses.

You can locate the nearest first aid kit by viewing the building’s evacuation diagrams. However, it is still necessary to seek emergency medical attention after administering first aid.