Copyright Permission Service request

Please complete the following form if you require permission from a copyright owner to use their material in any teaching, learning or research activity in your capacity as a La Trobe University staff member, or as a Graduate Research student for use in a thesis, research project or published paper.

Please provide accurate information to ensure your request is handled promptly.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
(Please ensure this is your La Trobe University email address)
Copyright details
(Please provide as much detail as you can, e.g. title, author/creator/director, publisher, date, ISSN/ISBN)
(Please include their contact details, e.g. an organisation, an individual)
(e.g. a URL if it is online)
Do you want to use the full item? *
(e.g. section, page range)
Do you plan to adapt/modify the material in any way? *
(e.g. in a restricted access platform for only staff and students of LTU, in an open access publication)
(e.g. one semester, indefinitely)
When do you need to receive the permission by? *

La Trobe University respects the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information about you to help us provide the most relevant learning support. We will use only use the supplied information for this purpose. If your personal information is not provided to us, then we may not be able to contact you to set up an appointment, or may not assign your case to the most relevant expert advisor. You may have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, subject to any exemptions in relevant laws, by contacting us. Refer to the La Trobe University privacy policy for more details.

Information in this form has been adapted from the University of Melbourne Copyright Office and is used with permission from University of Melbourne.